Our chimney repair crews have repaired or rebuilt thousands of chimneys in Toronto and the GTA. Our clients include the City of Toronto, University of Toronto, and some of the largest property managers in the city. A chimney rebuild is a common requirement amongst older homes and buildings and, owing to our experience, our pricing for a chimney rebuild is extremely competitive.
When you think your chimney needs repair or possibly needs to be rebuilt, our experienced masonry professionals will inspect your chimney and provide you with a free estimate. Once you’re ready to start, we’ll schedule the work and get it done, on-time and on-budget. We are fully insured and we provide a warranty with all major repairs.
If not constructed perfectly, chimneys are the first masonry to deteriorate on a home. The weather will take its toll on your chimney. These external forces can wreak havoc on brick and mortar. Winter freezing and thawing and freezing again can, over time, deteriorate mortar and brick to the point where it needs to be repaired or replaced. As well, chimney brickwork or lining may become damaged from chimney fires, lightning strikes, or just the natural settling of your home. Clay tiles, used to line some chimneys, may break or crack over time allowing heat and fumes to transfer or escape into the home. Over years of use, bricks or linings of chimneys may also be damaged from condensation.
Signs that indicate a chimney needs repair:
- Mortar deteriorating/falling out from between bricks
- Bricks bulging or faces popping off the bricks (spalling)
- Discolouration of bricks – like turning white or getting darker
- Chimney crown (cement slab at the top of the chimney) cracking or nonexistent
- Chimney tile (round or square terracotta tube at top of chimney) cracked or broken
- Chimney leaning
Chimney Repair Before and After Photos
Toronto’s #1 Chimney Service Provider